To create real, compelling journalism for a global and a national audience that tells the ongoing story of Australia as an outstanding destination for investment, lifestyle and business. 

The Bureau will adhere to the following Editorial Charter:

  • The Bureau staff and freelancers will employ honest, independent and impartial journalism that is transparent in all its stories and reporting
  • Stories will be commissioned and published on their editorial merit in meeting the mission, not on their political or business expediency
  • All Australian media will have the opportunity to access The Bureau’s content to tell the story of Australia
  • The Bureau will spearhead and share best practice in new media, including the use of social media and other innovative ways of storytelling
  • Talented new journalists will be assisted in their career development
  • Established journalists, photographers, videographers and factual storytellers will find The Bureau as a place for their voice and a market for their work
  • Stories and facts will highlight Australian innovation and leaders, not editorials or opinion articles on party political or industrial relations matters; When it is necessary to report on those subjects only proven and established facts will be published, and
  • The day-to-day editorial content of The Bureau will be independent of Business News editorial but The Bureau’s editor will be answerable to an editorial board, comprising of the Business News chief executive officer, editor and at least one other senior Business News editorial staff member